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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" Essay Response: Stubbornness

How can anyone possibly get anywhere in life if they refuse help when they truly need it? Perhaps it's because they are too proud to admit that they need any assistance. Stubbornness is a curse; you are either born with it, or without it. Katie Nolan was born with this curse. She barely has enough money to feed her children, yet she's too stubborn to accept any money that someone tries to present her with. Everyone needs to accept help when it comes to them, because the second they think they don't need any, life is not worth living anymore.

There have been several accounts to which Katie could have taken help to support her family, but chose to decline them. There was one instance when Katie helped the police to catch a criminal. One cop tried to offer her money for her services, but Katie refused to take it, even though her family could have used the money. Not only is this being too stubborn, but, in some ways, this is also being self-centered. With that money, Katie could have provided more food for the Nolan family, so they wouldn't have to play the "North Pole" game so much.

Now, life is getting harder than ever for the Nolans. With Johnny gone, and a baby on the way for Katie, there is hardly any money to live on. But Katie denies that she needs any help from her family. So naturally, she wouldn't accept any money from them. This also disrespects her family because they feel they can never do enough for Katie.

Whatever the age, everyone is going to have to ask for help in their life. Stubborn or not, in the end, it doesn't matter. What matters is that someone has gotten the most out of life, with the help of the ones around them. But if somone pushes opporitunities away, pushes people away, they will get lost along the way.

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