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Monday, December 14, 2009

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Response: Ignorence

It's a sunny morning as you stroll along the sidewalk. With a newspaper under your arm, you can't wait to get home to show your mother your published piece of writing. Entering the apartment, you sprint over to where your mother sits, to tell her the great news. But before you can show her, she shoos you away, telling you shes busy. Disappointed,you trudge over to your room, wishing you could share your accomplishments once in a while.

Part of a parent's job is to be there for their kids. If parents choose to ignore their children when they truly need them, they will run the risk of leaving the child emotionally abandoned. This is the case for Francie Nolan. This young girl leads a difficult life, being placed in a world where a father comes home drunk every night, and a mother who is up to her nose in work. Poverty stricken and struggling to maintain enough food, the Nolans have a lot to deal with, but being there for their children should be at the top of that list.

No matter what, a parent should keep up to date with their children. Katie Nolan is too ignorant to even see this. It is also wrong to be ignorant of one child, which Katie also displays. She evens says herself that she prefers Neeley, Francie's brother, over Francie. Not only does this make Francie feel insignificant, but it also puts Johnny Nolan, the father, in an awkward position because he feels he has to pay more attention to Francie because Katie won't. This completely offsets a family balance.

A parent's love should be equal among children, not pick-your-favorite. Katie places Francie in a fragile state by ignoring her. If Johnny is the only one that can give her attention, what happens if hes not there? Who can Francie turn to if Katie is focused on Neeley and not her? She will grow up in the world without an adult figure to focus on her needs, which may make a child very unstable.

To ignore people around you is to miss opportunities. Countless times came for Katie to make up for her ignorence of Francie, but she chose to let them go. This emotionally harms Francie, leaving her confused and ashamed. This is not good parenting. Ingoring one's child will not only affect the child, but the entire family.


  1. I really agree with you! A few spelling errors got in the way, but other than that it is a really good response!

  2. Sammy, I love your use of vocab and metaphors. My only suggestion is that we are pretending the reader actually read the book. So maybe just swith up the second paragraph.
